

Andrej Grozdanov je rođen u Rijeci, Republika Hrvatska. U svojim ranim godinama pokazivao je zainteresiranost za glazbu i klavir koji je privatno učio tri godine, da bi kao teenager “otkrio” gitaru. Očaravali su ga zvuci instrumenta, pogotovo električne gitare koju ubrzo počinje svirati. U 20-toj godini prolazi audiciju na jednoj od najvećih škola za suvremenu glazbu “Guitar Institute of Technology (GIT), Musicians Institute (MI)” tada smještenoj u Londonu. Na tom institutu Andrej je diplomirao sa “Platinum diploma”. 

Osim što je škola iznjedrila puno dobrih glazbenika (Jennifer Batten (Michael Jackson), Keb’ Mo, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Paul Gilbert (Mr. Big)…) Andrej je imao priliku učiti kod najboljih. Mentor za gitaru mu je bio ekscentrični engleski virtuoz gitare Pete Langman, dugogodišnji kolumnista magazina Guitar Player, dok su ostali učitelji bili: John Abercrombie, Frank Gambale, Michael Angelo, Hugh Burns (George Michael), zatim Pierre Bensusan i Eric Roche. Osim gitarista, Andrej je imao veliku čast da je ritam učio od Bernarda Purdiea i Thomasa Langa, velikih svjetskih bubnjara. Nakon što se vratio u Hrvatsku, Andrej upisuje studij Teologije i Filozofije, i 2003. godine stječe naziv Dipl. Theol. et Phil. 

Kao gitarist suvremene kršćanske glazbe snimio je preko 400 pjesama koje se nalaze na albumima što u izvedbama uživo što na studijskim snimkama te je sa svojim internacionalnim iskustvom omogućio razvoj toga žanra u Hrvatskoj i time po mnogima ostavio nezaobilazan pečat kao jedan od istinskih pionira. Njegova publika seže od intimnih akustičnih koncerata pred 20-30 ljudi do punog benda i stadionskih 55.000 ljudi. Vrlo velika je vjerojatnost da je upravo Andrej odsvirao gitarističke dionice na skladbama koje Vam se sviđaju a dolaze iz domene suvremene kršćanske glazbe. 

Andrej je često surađivao sa Grammy dobitnicima CCM žanra kao što su Hillsong, Matt Redman, Delirious?, Michael W. Smith, London Community Gospel Choir i mnogim drugima, a na svom zadnjem albumu svirao je sa Philom Keaggyem, Vlatkom Stefanovskim, Martinom Morom i Johnom Stowellom, velikim gitaristima različitih stilova i pozadina. 

Trostruki je dobitnik najprestižnije glazbene nagrade Porin za albume "Gospel on Guitar" i "Gitara i Glas" u kategoriji Najbolji album popularne duhovne glazbe.  Za istu nagradu je sedam puta nominiran i to četiri godine uzastopno što je rijetka činjenica.

Andrej Grozdanov was born in Rijeka, Croatia. In his early years, he had an interest in music and piano. Having studied this privately for three years, he was to "discover" the guitar as a teenager. He was fascinated by the sounds of the instrument, especially the electric guitar, which he soon started playing. At the age of 20, he auditioned at one of Europe's best contemporary music schools, the Guitar Institute of Technology (GIT), Musicians Institute (MI), then based in London. At that institute, Andrej graduated with a Platinum diploma. 

Musicians Institute (MI) graduated many good musicians (Jennifer Batten, Keb 'Mo, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Paul Gilbert ...) so Andrej had the opportunity to learn from the best teachers. His guitar mentor was eccentric English guitar virtuoso Pete Langman, a longtime Guitar Player magazine columnist. Other teachers included: John Abercrombie, Frank Gambale, Michael Angelo, Hugh Burns (George Michael), then Pierre Bensusan and Eric Roche.

In addition to the guitarists, Andrej had the great honour of learning about rhythm from Bernard Purdie and Thomas Lang, two of the world's great drummers.

After returning to Croatia, Andrej enrolled in the study of Theology and Philosophy, and in 2003 acquired the qualification of MA. 

As a guitarist of contemporary Christian music, he has recorded over 400 songs on albums, live performances and studio recordings. His international experience has enabled the development of this genre in Croatia, leaving an indispensable mark as one of the true pioneers.

His performances range from intimate acoustic concerts in front of 20-30 people to a full band and stadium of 55,000 people. It is very likely that it was Andrej who played the guitar parts on songs you like, that come from the genre of contemporary Christian music. 

Andrej has often collaborated with Grammy winners of the CCM genre such as Hillsong, Matt Redman, Delirious?, Michael W. Smith, London Community Gospel Choir and many others. He has also recorded with Phil Keaggy, Vlatko Stefanovski, Martin Moro and on his latest album John Stowell. These are all great guitar players of different styles and backgrounds.

He is three times recipient of the biggest music award Porin for the album "Gospel on Guitar" and "Guitar and Voice" in the category The Best Contemporary Christian album of the Year. For the same award he was nominated seven times, four years in a row.